Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Blessing of the Snob

The thing about being snobbish is you miss so many great ways to save money and end up managing your finances badly for the sake of pride.

One way that the non-snobbish can save money is by targeting snobbish areas and taking advantage of the deals that snobs refuse to consider for being seen as cheap. I recently discovered a hotspot for this at my local Tesco Express.

Usually discounted items in supermarkets are snapped up when they start to be offered near the close of the day,  and this will normally happen no matter the locale of the particular store you visit. The thing with local chain stores is that they will not attract out of town shoppers due to their limited range of items, and thus the local demographic will make up their clientèle almost exclusively.

In richer areas this can lead to discounted items being over looked as some (but not all) people living in those areas would rather not buy them. I have started to find this incredibly helpful recently - I picked up three roast meals retailing at £3 each for 30p each! Most food can be frozen and eaten at a later date, so picking up something on its sell-by date is not going to be an issue if you plan to eat it within a few weeks of purchase.

Being peckish on the way home has also become a decidedly cheaper experience as I have regularly found sandwiches stacked up for as little as 20p each. Find those hotspot areas and start saving yourself money!

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